
客語中級暨中高級認證 - 考後心得

Web Widget - Make a basic image zoom in/out and move function


JavaScript - Use Array reduce to get array sum

Web Widget - A Basic Image Slider Gallery

Web Widget - Make an animation's back top button

Java - Download Youtube Video by parser url_encoded_fmt_stream_map

Web Widget - Use position attribute absolute and fixed to make a float block

Linux - task scheduler setting by crontab, at commands

Java - String format的使用方式

Shell Script - Execute more run c command by for loop

R - Passing command line parameters to R program

JavaScript - Cytoscape Web export network

JavaScript - Implement JavaScript Set by Object Array

Set Windows task scheduler to execute bat file automatically

Java - Implement collection intersection

客語初級認證 - 考後心得

Java - HtmlUnit refresh page to get new select option

Java - HtmlUnit parse table without id

Java Web - Google App Engine integrate ReCaptcha

Java - Quantile normalization implementation

jQuery - Use jQuery.noConflict to avoid conflict between plugins

JavaScript - Cytoscape Web use filter property to show or hide nodes

JavaScript - Cytoscape Web nodes add jQuery qTip plugin

jQuery - Parser specific table by filter(), map() function

Java - Class fields sort by Collections Class and Comparator interface

C&C++ - double pointers example


JavaScript - Use Cytoscape Web Library to display network graph

Java Web - Struts 2 redirect to action with parameter

jQuery plugin - jqGrid create formatter link for cell data

Java Web - Struts 2 upload file size limit issue

Java Web - Use Struts 2 UI Tags to create form

Java Web - Struts 2 http status 404

Java - Use hashcode to compare string pairs

Date Compare on Java & SQL

Java Web - 利用Throwable.getMessage()捕捉Exception and send message to Client

jQuery - 利用nth-child selector製作html table樣式

jQuery - jquery.extend copy object

Java - String compare by intern method

jQuery - send more data to Server by XML format

jQuery - create hashmap to search table data

JavaScript - remove Array item by delete operator v.s. splice method

河內塔演算法的分析(Hanoi Algorithm Analysis)

Java - toString override issue

The value for the useBean class attribute is invalid的解決方法

jQuery - html搭配slice method的應用

機車環島心得 - 第七天[台南、嘉義、雲林、彰化、台中]

機車環島心得 - 第六天[高雄、台南]

關於Equivalence class的關係(Tree版本)

JavaScript - typeof檢查物件的型態

機車環島心得 - 第五天[台東、屏東、高雄]

機車環島心得 - 第四天[花蓮、台東]

change "input type" from text to password

jQuery - 利用CSS製作簡易的tooltip

Java - pass by reference?

機車環島心得 - 第三天[宜蘭、花蓮]

機車環島心得 - 第二天[台北、基隆、宜蘭]


Ruby on Rails parse Excel file for GetResponse add Contact

軍旅記事 - 部隊生活(下)

軍旅記事 - 部隊生活(上)

機車環島心得 - 第一天[新竹、桃園、台北]

GetResponse development API add_contact topic(以Ruby on Rails為例)

軍旅記事 - 憲訓部分

軍旅記事 - 新訓部分

Web flash player or iframe內嵌的youtube影片覆蓋掉HTML區塊

HTML select option CSS設定在Safari 和 Firefox各運作出不同的問題